You are family to us and we appreciate you entrusting the best interests of your friends and family with us. As our way of saying thank you, we’ve developed a “Help Our Community” referral program. We love supporting our community and together we can make a difference by giving back to our charities. Check out what charities we are supporting in 2020.
Thank you for partnering with our team this year. We appreciate you entrusting the best interests of your friends and family with us. It’s hard to believe that the end of 2019 is fast approaching and that not just a new year, but a new decade is on the horizon. Our success this year was from your support and we look forward to continuing to provide the best service possible for you for the rest of this year, next year and beyond. Looking back, we were happy to remain heavily involved in the community through local charities, blood drives and multiple community events. We look forward to growing our community involvement in 2020. Again, we hope you enjoy the holiday season with friends and family, and have a happy new year.
Check out what we’ve been up to during the holiday season by clicking the link below and viewing our newsletter.
California Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsome on September 18, 2019, and its impact could potentially alter the long-standing tradition of hiring owner-operators. AB5 specifically expands the Supreme Courts ABC Test in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v Superior Court of Los Angeles. The ABC Test is required to determine whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor. A worker is classified as an employee unless the trucking company/employer can establish all three of the following:
A. That the worker is free from the hiring entity’s control and direction in connection with performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of the work and in actually, performing the work;
B. That the worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business; and
C. That the worker is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as the work performed.
Within the industry, letter B tends to be the main disruptor, trying to prove the hiring of an owner-operator is outside of the hiring entities usual course of business. There are tons of questions that need answers. We are here to help you transition through the process and discuss possible solutions.
For more information, you can click the links below to view the Assembly Bill (AB) 5 document and the Roadmap for AB 5 document.
A Roadmap for AB 5: California’s New Law on Worker Classification
We have a lot of things to share in this quarter’s newsletter. Recently, KNPZ Insurance merged with our agency to become part of Cal-Valley Insurance. We are happy to welcome Larry Ziegler to our staff and we are grateful to continue growing our stellar team to even greater heights. As always, we continue to stay involved with charities in our community and in this newsletter we update what charities we’re currently involved with along with the Relay For Life event we recently participated in. Many of our clients utilize our Client Portal feature and in this newsletter we go over the details of a new mobile app called Insurlink, which provides a more enhanced and convenient mobile experience for accessing your insurance information. All of this and more in this quarter’s newsletter.
Check out all of this and see what else we’ve been up to by clicking the link below to view our newsletter.
Check out this quarter’s Cal-Valley Connection newsletter where we have a lot of good information to share. Summer time is here, and this quarter’s newsletter is full of helpful tips on preparing for the hot summer weather, provided by Encompass. As always, we continue to stay involved with charities in our community and in this newsletter we update what charities we’re currently involved with. Also, our Client Service Manager, Kelly Roehl, explains how Proposition 213 comes into play if you fail to carry liability coverage in California. All of this and more in this quarter’s newsletter.
See what else we’ve been up to by clicking the link below and checking out our newsletter.
Thank you for your support, loyalty and being a part of our Cal-Valley family. You are family to us and we appreciate you entrusting the best interests of your friends and family with us. We are excited to continue our journey through 2019 and look forward to continuing our relationships with all of you. It’s hard to believe that the first quarter of 2019 is already coming to an end and yet we had an eventful quarter that we would like to share with you.
Check out what we’ve been up to lately by clicking the link below and viewing our newsletter.
You are family to us and we appreciate you entrusting the best interests of your friends and family with us. As our way of saying thank you, we’ve developed a “Help Our Community” referral program. We love supporting our community and together we can make a difference by giving back to our charities. Check out what charities we are supporting in 2019.
It’s hard to believe that 2018 is already coming to an end. We would like to extend our best wishes to you during the holiday season and thank you for partnering with our team this year. You are family to us and we appreciate you entrusting the best interests of your friends and family with us. There were many charities that together we were able to give back to throughout the year, and our success came from your support. We had an eventful year doing whatever we could to give back to the community, and we look forward to continuing to do so in 2019. Again, we hope you enjoy the holiday season with friends and family, and have a happy new year.
Check out what we’ve been up to during the holiday season by clicking the link below and viewing our newsletter.
Check out this quarter’s Cal-Valley Connection newsletter where we share a couple of informative articles along with what we’ve been up to in the community lately. One thing that may be overlooked a lot by people is their security in their smart TVs. Read the article in our newsletter to learn how to protect your smart TV from hackers and what you should do in the case that a hacker gains access to your smart TV. Another article we’ve provided in the newsletter lists different ways to make your place a healthy home. We spend a big part of lives in our homes, but how much time do we spend focusing on making sure it’s a healthy place to live? Find out about some healthy lifestyle tips and much more.
Check out these articles and see what else we’ve been up to by clicking the link below and viewing our newsletter.
We have a lot of things to share in this quarter’s newsletter. Earlier this year, Imhoff Sunland Insurance merged with our agency to become part of Cal-Valley Insurance. Steve, Sandy, Gail, Mike and Corine are all a great fit to our staff and we are grateful to continue growing our stellar team to even greater heights. Last month we celebrated the Grand Opening of our new Cal-Valley Office in Visalia. Amy and Christy did a terrific job hosting and it was great to see so many people there giving their support. Our new office is located at 1019 N. Demaree Street, Suite A.
See what else we’ve been up to by clicking the link and checking out our newsletter.